Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tips On How To Find A Successful Tutor In Any City

Tips On How To Find A Successful Tutor In Any CityWhile working at an educational institution, you may find yourself needing to provide freelance tutoring services. When you decide to leave school for good, you may want to hire somebody to come in during the evenings and weekends to help you with your classes. Some universities will pay cash to you when you leave the institution.The salary you get from this job may not be very high but it can make up for it. There are other types of jobs that you can take such as that of a teacher or a manager and these can help you save money in the long run. You can make a lot of money if you offer tutoring services to companies, particularly those who hire full-time employees.You need to consider your experience in these training courses. If you have some knowledge of a subject, it can help you. If you are not too good at something, there is a possibility that you can learn the knowledge and skills that are required to become a tutor. There are ma ny people who can help you learn this skill, but you need to be able to demonstrate the skills that you have in order to make them successful.Try to think about what you would like to do with the money that you are earning. Some of them will give you money to help you with the cost of tuition fees for your children.If you do not have enough money to go ahead with this profession, you can also try to go to college or university and get yourself enrolled in a very high-quality course that will enable you to teach the subjects you have learned in your education. There are a lot of students who are interested in getting some kind of course to learn other subjects.You can also try to look for some service providers in your area. These individuals who sell their services can be useful especially if you need some assistance in teaching orif you have some problems with teaching. As these services are provided online, it is possible that you will get different service providers.Once you have established the relationship with the tutors, you can discuss what you need. If you know that you will be able to make extra money, this can be helpful. It is important to make sure that the service provider is reliable so that you do not end up paying more than what is necessary.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Easily Confused Words in English Job and Work

Easily Confused Words in English Job and Work Well it is Sunday evening and tomorrow most of us have to return to our work week (not our job week). What is the difference between work and job? Good question! Here are some commonly confused English words hope it helps.The difference between job and work:WorkWork can be both a noun and a verb. Read the definition below:Work (Noun) an activity of mental or physical effort that has a result or purpose such as: money, growth, a product. He was tired after a long days work. Im still looking for work.Work (Noun) the place where the activity of work is done. Im going to work. Ive just gotten home from work.Work (Verb) the activity involving physical or mental effort that you do for a result such as: money. I like working.   Ive worked here for 3 years.Job-job can only be a noun. There isnt a verb form. Job (Noun) a paid position of regular employment. I have a part-time job.I like my job.Job (Noun) a small task or a piece of work.You did a good job today on the report that you did.I nee d to focus in order to get the job done.Hints: Job is countable. I have three jobs. A job should be fun. You always have an article (the/a/an/1,2,3).Work is uncountable. I work a lot. What do you do at work. You NEVER use articles (the/a/an/1,2,3).Watch the video and do the questions below:1. When you get a ____ you can get some moonshoes.2. Trust me you dont want a _______.3. Im ready to start _________.4. How do you like the new ________?Take an English class with us using skype, and learn lots more. buil How are you? LOIEnglish Nice work!

When and How to Ask for a Job Promotion

When and How to Ask for a Job Promotion via 1. The When While time does not always equal effort, it is necessary to consider how much time you have spent working in this company. If you have been at this company for less than six months, it may not yet a good idea to ask for a promotion. It is likely that you are still developing your knowledge of the processes, expectations, and responsibilities involved. If you are still fairly new, but feel you could be doing more, you could ask your supervisor or manager for some tasks with more responsibility involved. This will show initiative while also allowing yourself to build up your skills without having to take a huge leap before you’re ready. In some companies, you will go through a probation period where they will review your work after around 3-6 months. This is a great time to discuss with your supervisors any changes you may like to see to your responsibilities, tasks, and pay. Similarly, if you have just switched to a new role, it probably isn’t the best time to ask for a promotion. Even though you may have short term success already, you need to show your colleagues that you will have long term success too. Give yourself some time to really dedicate yourself to this role. If you aren’t feeling like you are doing enough, talk to the workers above you about some ideas you might have for improvement. 2. The Why The next step is to figure out why you are wanting a promotion. It could be a range of things from boredom to money to ambition, or a combination of all three. You’re also going to need to begin gathering information from your boss about why you’d make a good candidate for a promotion, or perhaps why you are better off in the role you have now. The feedback culture of each company is going to vary widely. It is essential that you receive feedback from your boss to know how to improve. If your company regularly gives you feedback and holds meetings about your progress, think about the things said, especially things that have been repeated. If your feedback is mostly positive, and you’ve been working hard on strengthening your weaknesses, it may be time for you to ask for a promotion. If your feedback is mostly negative, you may want to take some more time to fix the recurring issues before tackling new things. If you work somewhere that doesn’t give regular feedback, it is a good idea to seek some out to know where you stand. Ask your supervisor or boss to schedule a meeting with you to discuss your work thus far and come up with ways to keep improving. After the meeting, take into consideration what you can improve on and put forth your efforts towards those things. If your meeting was mostly positive, this may be your cue to ask for a promotion. It is very important that you meet with your supervisor specifically to discuss your progress and your contributions so far. You should not be making assumptions about your work based on day-to-day comments. Most often, the things discussed every day will be negative: things that need fixed or have gone wrong. A job well done can easily go unnoticed. If you solely base your judgment on the day-to-day, you may have a more negative view of yourself which may not be accurate. 3. The How It is essential that you speak to your boss directly when asking for a promotion. In the case that your boss doesn’t have a lot of influence, then you’ll want to speak to someone with an even higher role, perhaps the CEO. Make sure to set up a meeting that allows plenty of time for you to pitch your promotional case and plenty of time for follow-up questions and negotiation. By this point, you should have gathered some key information about your success in the company and why you think you’re suited for a promotion. If there is a specific vacant role that you’re after, make sure you touch on how you would take on the aspects of that role. No conversation will go exactly the same, but remember to always remain calm, confident, and respectful regardless of the outcome. Although scary at first, the task of asking for a promotion can be broken down into easier, more manageable steps. Remember to believe in your abilities and act on those beliefs. You’ll be on your way to a better role in no time.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Types of Classes You Should and Shouldnt Take Online

Types of Classes You Should and Shouldnt Take Online Image via Opt for Online If: The Class Fits Your Interests One of the major struggles that can come with taking an online course is trying to stay motivated to pay attention to lectures and to complete all of your coursework on time when you don’t have a professor holding you accountable and don’t have to sit in a classroom during class time. As a result, your chances for success will be increased if you take an online course in a subject that truly interests you, as that way you’ll be more likely to have the necessary self-motivation to focus and study hard. If you find the course material boring to begin with, there’s a good chance that you’ll lose interest throughout the duration of the course, and you may struggle to stay on track. For this reason, it’s a good idea to reserve some classes that you’re excited about to take online. You Have a Lot of Independent Work Though you can still connect with your classmates online when taking an online course, it can be more difficult to coordinate group work and projects when you’re not all in the same place at the same time. Being able to work independently will in some ways be an advantage, as you won’t have to worry about whether or not your classmates are getting their share of the work done without you. In addition, if you choose to take an online course so you don’t have to commute to campus, you probably won’t want to be driving all the way to campus just for a group project, so to ensure that you maintain the convenience that you’re looking for, try to find a class that allows you to work on your own most of the time. You Know the Subject Well Having to go sit in a classroom every day when you’re able to pick up on the course material faster than your classmates can be frustrating, so if you feel like you want to set your own pace in a course, it can be helpful to take it online. Often with online courses you’ll be able to speed through topics you understand well and slow down for others as necessary, so if you feel like you’d be bored sitting through a classroom and learning material at your professor’s pace, taking that course online can be a great alternative. Avoid an Online Course If: You Struggle with the Subject While it’s not necessarily true that you’ll receive less assistance from your professor in an online course than you typically would, it will likely still be harder for you to do well in a course taken online if you already know that you have trouble with the subject or specific topic. Though you’ll still be able to email your professor with questions, you may not have the opportunity to ask your questions as they ariseâ€"that is, while your professor explains it in a video or when you’re going over course materials on your own. The Subject Matter Can Be Dry One of the benefits of online classesâ€"their flexibilityâ€"can also be a major downside if you decide to take a class covering a topic that is dry or unexciting by nature. Taking an online course means that you can set your own schedule, and you may find that it’s difficult to motivate yourself to complete the necessary coursework if you don’t have a set class time. In addition, you may not have the help of your professor or classmates to keep things interesting and to help make a dry subject matter become more exciting. If you take the class while you’re at home alone, it can seem even more difficult to get through. You Want to Study for It with Classmates While you can still meet up with your classmates for an online course, it may be more difficult to get to know them, and therefore hard to determine who would make a good study buddy. In addition, not all of your classmates for an online course may be nearby, so it may be inconvenient for them to meet up to study together. If you feel like you’d really benefit by having a study group for a certain class, it may be better to stick to a traditional classroom-style course, so it’s easier for you to form that group. Online courses can have major advantages, but you’ll have to choose them carefully to ensure that you benefit from the convenience and independence they bring. Before you register for classes, make sure that you take into account these factors!

The Types of Tasks You May Do Working in Retail

The Types of Tasks You May Do Working in Retail via Pixabay You probably already know what a retail associate does in his or her line of work. These types of people are almost everywhere you go shopping. At Wal-Mart, at Target, at Best Buy, at the mall, retail associates are often eager to tell you about the store’s sales or new products, assist in finding items that are more difficult to find, answering questions of regular shoppers and the occasional curious visitors, and ringing up purchases at the register. Like cashiers at grocery stores or convenience stores, people who work in retail help to manage the cash registers and keep track of the money that goes in and goes out. Sometimes, we encounter retail associates throughout the day without even realizing that we’re talking to someone in retail. A good retail associate is extremely knowledgeable about the product or service that is being sold. They also have to have a good deal of patience when dealing with all customers, especially the difficult ones that are bound to come through on any given day. Additionally, a person working in retail must be genuinely friendly, have a cheerful attitude, is a naturally happy person, and have a willingness to go above and beyond for the customer without a lot of prodding to do so. Long hours, busy days, and nights and weekend work are often a normal course of operation in many places of retail. The busiest time for retail stores is often in the fall/winter months and of course on holidays and special occasions throughout the year. For example, 4th of July may be a busy day/weekend, Memorial Day may be the same way, and graduation/back to school season may be busy as well. In short, if you’re not the type of person who is cheerful, helpful, and energetic, retail is probably not the right job for you. If you are this type of person and can see a future in the world of retail, you may be asking what are some of the job positions you can hold? Good question. There are a couple job titles that you can hold and gradually grow into others as time goes on. Most new hires will begin as stockers, cashiers, baggers, or sales associates. These are very important jobs as those in such roles also serve as the face of the company in many regards. Companies have been given a bad rap by customers simply because a cashier was rude or unhelpful. On the other hand, some customers love going to certain places not just because of what they can get but because of the people who provide the service. Then there are middle positions which include team leaders, floor directors, or staff supervisors. Some retail stores even have a lead cashier or someone who unofficially acts as the go-to person, the problem solver, or the one who has earned the respect of his or her peers. In such a role, you will ensure law and order are kept. For example, you’ll make sure other employees sign in and sign out on time, take appropriate breaks, and work well with each other. Then there are managerial roles. A department manager, store manager, branch manager, assistant manager, or chain manager is often responsible for multiple teams and sometimes, multiple locations. People in this position are responsible for onboarding new staff, training current and new staff, establishing goals, making decisions, and ensuring consistent service is given across all stores or chains. A fair amount of skill is needed to work in retail. However, if you have the personality, most places will offer training for what is specific to that store. There are many people who rise through the ranks of retail without an education. This is not permission for you to drop school altogether; school is still important, but you can learn specific aspects of the  business. Those with a bachelor’s degree, or even an associate’s degree, have a better chance of getting managerial roles quicker. Abundant opportunities exist in the world of retail. We are always going to need that extra hand to guide or that person to smile at the door or at the register when we come through after a long day at work or school. Finding a position in retail is a great option for a first job in high school and college. It is also a good choice for those who are interested in selling specific products (e.g., selling electronics at Best Buy or selling clothes at Macy’s). Retail can also be internally rewarding. It presents the opportunity to help people with some aspect of their day. Kindness and helpfulness indeed go a long way in this business. And you’ll enjoy the environment you’re working in much better if you find some real meaning in it, and not just putting in the hours to get a paycheck.

5 Things to do this Summer to Prepare for Your First AP Course

5 Things to do this Summer to Prepare for Your First AP Course 5 Things to do this Summer to Prepare for Your First AP Course The first time a student takes an AP course, they will be introduced to a whole other level of academic commitment. Advanced placement courses are taught at the college level but can be taken by students as early as sophomore year in high school. AP courses can help students earn college credit and build their student resume so they can get into college in the first place. The more a student knows about their AP classes, the easier it will be to thrive during the academic year and do well on the exams. Students taking AP courses in the fall can just sit back, relax and enjoy their summer so that theyre well rested for the task at hand, right? Wrong! Almost every AP course includes summer work, so its important that students get this completed before the first day of school. 1. Managing summer work Nearly every AP course will include summer work. This work is due on the first day of class and will help students understand the type of assignments that will be completed throughout the year. If a student is taking their first AP course, they are encouraged to sit down and organize all of the work that needs to be done over the summer before too much time has passed. Many students leave summer work until the last minute and can become incredibly overwhelmed. This is especially true if students need to read a couple of novels, which can be time-consuming, before day one. Students who require help organizing can either work with a study group, tutor, or both (READ: What do your final grades mean for you). 2. Study group or tutor? Its recommended that students either work with a tutor or study group in July and August so they can complete all of their summer work promptly and without too much stress. Some students are highly organized and will have a group of friends who are all taking the same AP courses. In this case, its a good idea to set up a study group that meets once or twice a week to work on assignments. Alternately, some students will be the only one in their group of friends taking an AP course and may not have a study group to work with. In this case, a private tutor can be helpful with organization and explanations of tough assignments. Students who want to be extra successful can consider working with both a tutor and study group. 3. Keeping in touch with the teacher Its also really important that students keep in touch with their teacher over the summer. If students are taking this teachers class for the very first time, they wont know their grading style or expectations until the fall. Its a great idea for new AP students to introduce themselves in an email and find out when the teacher will be available for questions over the summer. AP teachers are a great resource and students should not be afraid to reach out and communicate (READ: Taking the AP Exam). 4. Managing the reading list One of the biggest challenges of AP summer work is managing the reading list. Courses such as AP Language and AP Literature assign several novels throughout the year. Additionally, every course will have at least one textbook with hundreds of pages of information. Its hard to absorb too much information at once thus students are encouraged to manage their reading list over time. If the novels are broken up into smaller parts, they can be a lot easier to comprehend. This will also be good time management practice for the school year. 5. Leave enough time to complete assignments New AP students are encouraged to leave ample time to complete their summer assignments. It can be overly stressful to be studying 8 hours a day during the week leading up to the start of school. Rather, its better to look at assignments early in the summer and figure out what can be done now and what can be left for later. In addition to keeping the AP experience little stress, time management allows students to get in touch with the teacher to ask clarification questions if necessary. Prepare for your first AP class this summer with the help of an Irvine AP tutor. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

The Role of Tutors For Tutoring Students

The Role of Tutors For Tutoring StudentsTutors for tutoring students are a rare breed indeed. Though there is no dearth of people who would love to teach others, there is also not much room for a student to ask for one. In other words, there is nothing for a student to entrust to another person's hands. But the truth is that students who could afford to employ tutors are more likely to have students who need their help.The very first thing that students should remember is that tutors for students are rare. It is difficult to find a tutor for tutoring students who would be willing to work for nothing. Students who think they have found the perfect tutor for tutoring their classmates will in fact be disappointed. If you do a background check on the tutor for tutoring students, make sure you ask them about the student they tutored before signing them up. Sometimes the tutor will be so excited that they may even enroll the student without even knowing that the student needs help.The seco nd thing that students should remember is that the fees they pay to a tutor are non-refundable. This means that if the tutor fails to provide adequate help or if the tutor fails to provide them with the quality of tutoring that they expect, the student is expected to pay the fees. Usually, a student pays half the amount he expects the tutor to pay in advance and then the rest of the fee is paid upon completion of the tutoring session.Even though the tutors for tutoring students might not always be enthusiastic about their job, they can still help a student in many ways. There are some students who lack the confidence in themselves that others possess and thus they could never properly communicate with their classmates. And in order to encourage good behavior in students, tutors for tutoring students can help with coaching, motivating, problem solving, personal attention, and even giving the students extra tips. They can also suggest professional help such as video conference, inform ation technology, as well as help with web cam and internetconnection.The classes taught by the tutors for tutoring students should be more rigorous than those taught by regular teachers. This is because students may face obstacles that the regular teachers do not have to deal with. Plus, their students will certainly benefit from extra dedication in the classes. This is why regular teachers should make use of the same methods to teach their students. It's the students who gain the most when teachers make their courses more rigorous.A student should feel that he has an important part to play in the tutoring process. This is because it is the student who will make the other students learn more. An example would be if the student teaches his classmates in how to write, then the student is responsible for spreading the word about the writing technique that he helped his classmates pick up. This way, the student is able to give value to the information given by the other students.These are just some of the ways that a student can make use of a tutor for tutoring. When students go through college, they may feel confused as to how to go about choosing a suitable tutor for tutoring their classmates. The fact is that they can choose from a number of tutors for tutoring students available online. They can do a background check to find out which ones suit their needs best.